Justin and Ken's Super Turtle Tank

Justin Hartsaw & Kenneth Yesh


For our project, we made a car that you can program 1 - 10 commands: drive forward, drive backward, turn left, and turn right. You input the sequence by pressing the corresponding push button. Then after you enter your sequence, there is a fifth push button you press to start the series of commands.

The Program

With the program, you can press the four action buttons in any order of your choosing up and multiple times. Then you press the fifth button to start the command sequence. The action buttons work becuse the button pushed corosponds to a number which is stored in an array. When the fifth button is pushed it runs through the array reading what number is there and running its corresponding command.


Demo Video

Circuit Diagram

Arduino Program

int motor1a = 1; //declares the first pin for the left motor

int motor1b = 10; //declares the other pin for the left motor

int motor1pmw = 5; // this is the pmw pin for the left motor that will set how much battery power the motor is getting (speed)

int motor2a = 2; //declares the first pin for the right motor

int motor2b = 7; // declares the other pin for the right motor

int motor2pmw = 6; // this is the pmw pin for the left motor that will set how much battery power the motor is getting (speed)

int switchPinF = 11; // button is connected to pin 6

int valF; // variable for reading the pin status

int buttonStateF; // variable to hold the button state

int switchPinB = 4; // switch is connected to pin 4

int valB; // variable for reading the pin status

int buttonStateB; // variable to hold the button state

int switchPinL = 12; // switch is connected to pin 12

int valL; // variable for reading the pin status

int buttonStateL; // variable to hold the button state

int switchPinR = 15; // switch is connected to pin 15

int valR; // variable for reading the pin status

int buttonStateR; // variable to hold the button state

int stepb []={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};//array for storing commands

int list = 0; //variable to change the position in the array the command is stored

int go = 3; //this declares the start push button

int run = 0; // variable that switches between 1 and 0

int goval; //variable reading pin status

int action; // variable to run threw the command code

int d = 1000; //the time that each action runs

int led = 14; // declares led as pin 14

void input()

/*process that can be called up later in the program to assign numbers to one of the four possible commands 1 for forward 2 for backwards 3 for left and 4 for right*/


if (valF != buttonStateF) { // the forward button state has changed!

if (valF == LOW) { // check if the forward button is pressed

stepb[list] = 1; // store the number 1 for the forward command

list++; // increase list to store the next command number

digitalWrite(led,HIGH); // turns led on so you know the button was pushed



if (valB != buttonStateB) { // the button state has changed!

if (valB == LOW) { // check if the button is pressed

stepb[list] = 2; // store the number 2 for the forward command

list++; // increase list to store the next command number

digitalWrite(led,HIGH); // turns led on so you know the button was pushed



if (valL != buttonStateL) { // the button state has changed!

if (valL == LOW) { // check if the button is pressed

stepb[list] = 3; // store the number 3 for the forward command

list++; // increase list to store the next command number

digitalWrite(led,HIGH); // turns led on so you know the button was pushed



if (valR != buttonStateR) { // the button state has changed!

if (valR == LOW) { // check if the button is pressed

stepb[list] = 4; // store the number 4 for the forward command

list++; // increase list to store the next command number

digitalWrite(led,HIGH); // turns led on so you know the button was pushed




digitalWrite(led,LOW); //turns LED off


void comand(){ /* process that can be called back later in the program that translates the numbers into actual commands such as forward backwards left and right*/

if (action == 1) //forward


digitalWrite(motor1a, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor1b, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2a, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor2b, LOW);



if (action == 2){ //backward

digitalWrite(motor1a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1b, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor2a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2b, HIGH);



if (action == 3){ //left

digitalWrite(motor1a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1b, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2b, LOW);

delay(100);// turns motor off giving it a chance to pause so it is less jerky

digitalWrite(motor1a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1b, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor2a, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor2b, LOW);


digitalWrite(motor1a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1b, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2b, LOW);

delay(100);// turns motor off giving it a chance to pause so it is less jerky


if (action == 4){ //right

digitalWrite(motor1a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1b, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2b, LOW);


digitalWrite(motor1a, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor1b, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2b, HIGH);


digitalWrite(motor1a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1b, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2b, LOW);




void setup() //the setup faze where things are declared(runs through once)


pinMode(motor1a, OUTPUT); // these simply are declaring them as outputs

pinMode(motor1b, OUTPUT); // these simply are declaring them as outputs

pinMode(motor1pmw, OUTPUT); // these simply are declaring them as outputs

pinMode(motor2a, OUTPUT); // these simply are declaring them as outputs

pinMode(motor2b, OUTPUT); // these simply are declaring them as outputs

pinMode(motor2pmw, OUTPUT); // these simply are declaring them as outputs

analogWrite(motor1pmw, 255); // this is the analog speed value for the arduino (0-255) which controls motor speed 255 being the fastest

analogWrite(motor2pmw, 255); // this is the analog speed value for the arduino (0-255) which controls motor speed 255 being the fastest

pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // these simply are declaring them as outputs


void loop()


if (run == 0){

valF = digitalRead(switchPinF); // read input value and store it in valF

valB = digitalRead(switchPinB); // read input value and store it in valB

valL = digitalRead(switchPinL); // read input value and store it in valL

valR = digitalRead(switchPinR); // read input value and store it in valR

goval = digitalRead(go); // read input value and store it in goval

if (goval == HIGH) //if the button was pushed start running the cars program


run = 1; // set run = 1


input(); // run the input process above

buttonStateF = valF; // save the new state in our variable

buttonStateB = valB; // save the new state in our variable

buttonStateL = valL; // save the new state in our variable

buttonStateR = valR; // save the new state in our variable


if (run == 1) // run the car through the commands programed in


for(int x=0; x<list; x++) //runs the loop as long as "x" is less than "list" and add 1 to "x" every time you run through the loop


action=stepb[x]; // sets action equal to a number command saved in the input process

comand(); //runs the command process


run = 0; //resets run = 0 to stop the car from looping

list = 0; //reset list = 0

/* prevents car from continuously carrying out its last step.*/

digitalWrite(motor1a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1b, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2a, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2b, LOW);



Encountered Problems

  • Coding

    • To make the combination work, we first tired using a complex series of "if" statements, but that didn't work so we used an array instead. It worked perfectly after that.

  • Right Turn Button

    • While testing the car, we noticed that the right button wasn't working. We did a few troubleshooting ideas, but it still wasn't working. So then we decided to switch what pin it was attached to on the Arduino. We ended up connecting it to analog A1 pin and setting it to pinMode.

Extending the Project

If we had more time to work on the project, we would install sensors so the car wouldn't be running into anything. Also, we would transfer everything to a circuit board so it would look nicer.