Electronics Class
This site is much easier to upload files to, so this is where I'll be uploading all my files for this course in the future. Just go to the Electronic Bookshelf.
We are taking a different approach to this course this year. This year we will be using a microcontroller called Arduino. This will allow us to complete much more complex projects much more easily. Students will also be learning some rudimentary computer programming while they're at it.I decided to make this change for two reasons. The first is that I've wanted to do this for years but this is really the first year that microcontorllers have become cheap enough for this to be a possibility.My second reason for making this change is that today more and more of our electronic devices are incorporating some sort of computer chip and this will allow us to better model a whole branch of electronics. Additionally students will be exposed to some programming, which is a very useful skill.Now that everyone has an Arduino Board and all the computers are set up we can begin:Arduino Lessons