Assignment 3.1

Post date: Jun 24, 2010 4:5:49 AM

I used the following code to recreate and expand upon mr. dickie's image. The image is drawn in all 4 corners with a grayscale radial gradient in the center, and the line's stroke color is set to the x or y value of the line, resulting in a rainbow type pattern.

Here is the image:

Here is the code:

void setup() {

size(400, 400); //set size to 400 x 400 pixels

background(0,0,0); //set initial background color to black


//function to create radial gradient emanating from point (centerx, centery)

void createGSRadialGradient(int centerx, int centery)


colorMode(RGB, width); //set mode to rgb from 0 - 400 (screen width)

for(int i = width; i >= 0; i-=1) { //set up for loop, decrement from outside-in

stroke(width-i); //set stroke color to increase as diameter decreases

fill(0,0,0,0); //no fill color

ellipseMode(CENTER); //elipses are declared by centerpoint

ellipse(centerx, centery, i, i); //draw the ellipse



void draw() {

createGSRadialGradient(width/2, width/2); //create gradient centered on screen

colorMode(HSB, width); //set color mode to HSB so that hue is defined by just 1 variable

int j = width; //declare extra enumeration variable

/* the following code works first by setting up a loop to either

decrease or increase the 2 enumeration variables, setting the

hue to one of them so the color gradually changes (rainbow style),

then drawing a line. The points are each comprised of 2 scalars,

one being one of the enumeration variables, and the other being

a boundary (0 or width). which is which will depend on the corner

being drawn */

//draw mesh object in top-left corner

for(int i = 0; i <= width; i += 10) {

stroke(400-i, 400, 200); //rainbow color, 100% saturation, 50% brightness

line(i, 0, 0, j);

j -= 10;


//draw mesh object in bottom-right corner

for(int i = width; i>= 0; i -= 10) {

stroke(i, 400, 200);

line(width, j, i, width);

j += 10;


j = 0; //reset enumeration

//draw mesh object in top-right

for(int i = 0; i <= width; i += 10) {

stroke(400-i, 400, 200);

line(width, i, j, 0);

j += 10;


//draw mesh object in bottom left

for(int i = width; i >= 0; i -= 10) {

stroke(i, 400, 200);

line(0, i, j, width);

j -= 10;



void mousePressed() {

//save screenshot when mouse is pressed

