Steve, Paul, Kam
Self-Driving Car
Made by Steve DePaulis, Paul Kinder, and Kam Kosowski
Description: Our project was to try to make a car drive by itself and, when presented with an obstacle, will reverse and turn to face a new direction.
Description of program: The program was set up to keep moving forward while the wheels move back and forth and maintain a steady path. When the car runs into an obstacle, it will reverse and turn to face a new direction and proceed to move forward.
int motor1 = 7; // declares the first pin for the first motor
int motor2 = 8; // declares the second pin for the first motor
int motor3 = 12; // declares the first pin for the second motor
int motor4 = 13; // declares the second pin for the second motor
int motorpmw = 10; // declares the pmw pin the will control the power to the motor
int motorpmw2 = 9; // declares the second pmw pin that will control the power to the motor
int button = 2; // declares the pin for the push button
int val = 0; // declares value for reading sensors
void setup()
pinMode(motor1, OUTPUT); // declares them as outputs
pinMode(motor2, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(motorpmw, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(motor3, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(motor4, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(motorpmw2, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(button, INPUT); // declares button as an input
void loop()
analogWrite(motorpmw, 255); // analog speed for arduino (0-255)
analogWrite(motorpmw2, 255); // analog speed for arduino (0-255)
digitalWrite(motor1, HIGH); // turns the back motors on and makes the car go forward
digitalWrite(motor2, LOW); //
digitalWrite(motor3, HIGH); // turns the front motors on and turns right
digitalWrite(motor4, LOW); //
delay(500); // delays how long its turned
digitalWrite(motor3, LOW); // turns the front motors on and turns left
digitalWrite(motor4, HIGH); //
delay(500); // delays how long its turned
val=digitalRead(button); //sets the value that is read by the button
if(val == HIGH) // this only happens if the button is pushed
analogWrite(motorpmw, 255); // analog speed for arduino (0-255)
analogWrite(motorpmw2, 255); // analog speed for arduino (0-255)
digitalWrite(motor1, LOW); // turns the back motors on and makes the car go backward
digitalWrite(motor2, HIGH); //
digitalWrite(motor3, HIGH); // turns the front motors on and turns right
digitalWrite(motor4, LOW); //
delay(2000); // delays how long it reverses and turns backward
Some of the problems that we ran into were that some of the wiring was touching without any insulation which caused the board to malfunction. We had a few troubles with writing the program.
If we had more money, we would make a better push button system that was more effective. I think we would make the board more clean and not have wire everywhere.