Robot Car Final

Made by Jake Plona, Alex Scheuer, and Adam Clark

Description: Our project was to make a car that by using a sensor will drive itself and turn when presented with an object it could not drive through.

Description of Program: The program was set up so that the car would move indefinitely forwards until it reached an obstacle that triggered the push button mounted on the front by a whisker. Once triggered the program had the car reverse for one second and then turn for one second.

int motor1 = 12; //declares the first pin for the first motor

int motor2 = 7; //declares the second pin for the first motor

int motor3 = 8; // declares the first pin for the second motor

int motor4 = 13; // declares the second pin for the second motor

int motorpmw2 = 11; // this is the first pmw that will set how much battery power the motor is getting (speed)

int motorpmw = 6; // this is the second pmw that will set how much battery power the motor is getting (speed)

int button = 2; // declares the pin for the turn push button

int val = 0; // declares value for reading sensors

void setup()


pinMode(motor1, OUTPUT); //

pinMode(motor2, OUTPUT); // these simply are declaring them as outputs

pinMode(motorpmw, OUTPUT); //

pinMode(motor3, OUTPUT); //

pinMode(motor4, OUTPUT); //

pinMode(motorpmw2, OUTPUT); //

pinMode(button, INPUT); // declares button as an input


void loop()


analogWrite(motorpmw2, 255); // this is the analog speed value for the arduino (0-255)

analogWrite(motorpmw, 255); // this is the analog speed value for the arduino (0-255)

digitalWrite(motor1, LOW); //turns the motors on - forwards

digitalWrite(motor2, HIGH); //

digitalWrite(motor3, LOW); //

digitalWrite(motor4, HIGH); //

val=digitalRead(button); // sets value to be read from the button

if(val == HIGH) // this program only takes effect if the button is pushed

{ analogWrite(motorpmw2, 255); // this is the analog speed value for the arduino (0-255)

analogWrite(motorpmw, 255); // this is the analog speed value for the arduino (0-255)

digitalWrite(motor1, HIGH); //turns the motors on - backwards

digitalWrite(motor2, LOW); //

digitalWrite(motor3, HIGH); //

digitalWrite(motor4, LOW); //

delay(1000); // does previous direction for one second

analogWrite(motorpmw2, 255); // this is the analog speed value for the arduino (0-255)

analogWrite(motorpmw, 255); // this is the analog speed value for the arduino (0-255)

digitalWrite(motor1, HIGH); //turns the motors on - turns right

digitalWrite(motor2, LOW); //

digitalWrite(motor3, LOW); //

digitalWrite(motor4, HIGH); //

delay(1000); // does previous direction for one second



Various motor and battery problems were encountered and were fixed by tampering with the circuitry and creating new pieces

Things we would like to add would be a way to control the car without a whisker(such as infrared sensors) and getting a new car base