Assignment 7.1
Post date: Jul 03, 2010 2:13:52 AM
This one actually turned out quite swell - it's almost like I intended the animation to be used with a potentiometer from the start. After figuring out a little algebra I set the angle of the eyes rotating to be controlled by the value of the potentiometer's output through the serial port. The only tricky part was, while my delay(16) in the arduino code may seem like an arbitrary number, I actually had to tinker around with that for a while - if the number was too high, the eyes would flicker, while if it was too low (ie the data was being sent too fast), the sketch couldn't process it quickly enough and it was slow to respond, so as it turns out, the magic number is sixteen. I'm not exactly equipped to take a video right now but considering the simple nature of the program and the fact that I've already posted 2 similar sketches, you should be able to imagine with your brains how it went down. Code:
(my fancy text boxes don't seem to want to work right now so I guess I'll do this one the old-fashioned way...)
//I love how succinct this code is
const int pot1 = 5;
void setup () {
Serial.begin(9600); //begin serial communication at 9600 bps
void loop () {
//print to serial port (the /4 is there so it all fits in 1 byte for better speed)
Serial.print((analogRead(pot1)/4), BYTE);
delay(16); //<<magic number
import processing.serial.*; //import all serial libraries
Serial serPort; // Create object from Serial class
PImage smileyImage; //declare image
float angleA = 0;
void setup() {
size(600, 600); //set size to 600 x 600 pixels
background(255); //set background to white
stroke(0); //set stroke color ot black
fill(0); //set fill color to black
smileyImage = loadImage("smiley.png"); //load smiley image
serPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
void draw() {
image(smileyImage, 150, 150); //draw image at center of screen
ellipseMode(CENTER); //set ellipses to draw from center
if (serPort.available() <= 0) { //if no data, exit function
angleA = ( / (255 / TWO_PI)); //set angle to pot value (with range 1 - ~6.28)
float xdist = cos(angleA) * 20; //get the measure of the x shift (opposite side) through cosine
float ydist = sin(angleA) * 20; //get the measure of the y shift (adjacent side) through sine
ellipse(215 + xdist, 255 + ydist, 30, 30); //draw right pupil, adding shift distance to x and y
ellipse(350 + xdist, 255 + ydist, 30, 30); //draw left pupil