Assignment 4.2
Post date: Jun 28, 2010 3:54:20 AM
I attached a bit of wire to each glove on the giraffe and taped one arm so it was always out. I attached wires together so I could get a length where I could easily move the giraffe around without moving the whole breadboard. The wires are attached to pin 2 using the basic push button example. Every time the arm not taped down is pressed, the wires touch, completing the circuit, and causing the Serial Monitor to display a different message each time. It will cycle through the messages, displaying "BAM," "POW," "THUNK," "KAPOW," and then "K.O."
Here's the code:
int switchPin = 2; // switch is connected to pin 2
int val; // variable for reading the pin status
int buttonState; // variable to hold the button state
int buttonPresses; // how many times the button has been pressed
void setup() {
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); // Set the switch pin as input
Serial.begin(9600); // Set up serial communication at 9600bps buttonState = digitalRead(switchPin); // read the initial state
void loop(){
val = digitalRead(switchPin); // read input value and store it in val
if (val != buttonState) { // the button state has changed!
if (val == LOW) { // check if the button is pressed
if (buttonPresses == 0) { // if number of buttons pressed is this much
buttonPresses = 1; } // run this function
else{ // if not, do this:
if (buttonPresses == 1) {
buttonPresses = 2; }
if (buttonPresses == 2) {
buttonPresses = 3; }
if (buttonPresses == 3) {
buttonPresses = 4; }
if (buttonPresses == 4) {
buttonPresses = 5;
buttonState = val; // save the new state in our variable
if (buttonPresses == 1) { // if buttonPresses is this many,
Serial.println("BAM"); // display this message and
buttonPresses = 2; // change variable to this value
if (buttonPresses == 2) {
buttonPresses = 3;
if (buttonPresses == 3) {
buttonPresses = 4;
if (buttonPresses == 4) {
buttonPresses = 5;
if (buttonPresses == 5) {
buttonPresses = 0; // resets value to 0