Logs for Fall 2009
For the rest of the semester we will be using this page for our daily logs. Every day you work on your project you will log your progress. Your log should include commented code samples from your daily work, pictures of what you're working on, discussion of problems faced/overcome, and other interesting facts. One log each week should give a general progress update. Where are you in the process and what do you plan to get done in the next week.
You must also note specifically what each student was responsible for completing each day!
You will be showing off your projects here. Your page must include:
Your names and the name of your project
Brief description of your project
Detailed description of how the program works
Pictures of your device
ExtraCredit - Short video of your device working (post to YouTube or Google Video)
Circuit diagram
Your Arduino program (which must include comments)
Description of problems encountered and how they were overcome
Description of what you'd like to add if you had more time/money